Salt intake heightens osteoporosis chances says new review

osteoporosis, salt, sodium, bone mineral density, arthritis digestConsuming salt is associated with greater risk of osteoporosis says an evidence review published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. But there appeared to be no correlation between salt intake and bone mineral density or urinary sodium levels.

Some previous research suggests an association between dietary and urinary salt levels and bone mass density, bone mass content, and the risk of osteoporosis, but findings are conflicting. So a team recently reviewed the evidence from studies involving nearly 40,000 people.

“We found a positive association between sodium intake and the risk of osteoporosis, while no association was found with urinary sodium,” the research group explains. “Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between sodium intake and bone mineral density.”

The researchers suggest that more studies need to be carried out.

Click here to read the original research.

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