GPs should prescribe vitamin D to treat chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain says new research
Some people with chronic pain could be better served by a standardised approach of GPs prescribing vitamin D supplements, an Australian research team reports.
The treatment of people with chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain (CNMP) currently varies widely; diagnosis and treatment remains complicated.
“The patients in this group are experiencing chronic pain and it is a very common condition,” explains Dr Manasi Gaikwad. “So we wanted to know how GPs were responding to these patients and whether we could make recommendations that might help the GPs in their work.
“Vitamin D supplements are known to help ease the symptoms of people with this type of chronic pain, and there are no known negative side-effects. Vitamin D supplementation is readily available and a relatively cheap option.
The team found that GPs did observe positive effect of vitamin D supplementation on people with chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain. But it can be a slow process, involving repeat visits to the GP, and additional costs such as blood tests.
“Several studies have been conducted showing that patients with chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain can receive relief after increasing vitamin D intake,” Dr Gaikwad says. “The research has highlighted that a standardised approach to treatment could be beneficial for both the GPs and patients.”
Dr Gaikwad found there is strong support among GPs for these people to receive vitamin D, but they also encourage more sun exposure, and not just taking supplements:
“This is an issue because many people are working indoors, out of the sun, and spending much of their non-working hours indoors also. A little bit of sun is healthy, and GPs are encouraging their patients to go outside a bit more each day.”
Image credit Laura Dahl, Yinan Chen
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