Lack of NHS resources in Wales delaying arthritis diagnosis and treatment
The number of people seen by rheumatology departments in Wales is rising but resources for treatment aren’t keeping up with the demand. The findings come from a report from the British Society for Rheumatology and the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society Rheumatology in Wales.
There are 25,000 people with rheumatoid arthritis in Wales, with 12% of adults based in Wales identifying themselves as having some form of arthritis.
- New patients are waiting longer for their rheumatology appointment;
- Existing patients are struggling to secure follow ups and self-management advice;
- Referrals are up 66% on 2012 levels;
- Of people with rheumatoid arthritis in Wales, 22% were seen within three weeks, compared to the England and Wales average of 37%.
Wales has the lowest number of Early Inflammatory Arthritis Clinics compounding the service delays. But those with rheumatoid arthritis who are already within the system also face problems:
- 40% reported intervals between appointments are too long to keep their condition under control;
- 33% found it difficult or very difficult to get an appointment with their consultant;
- 52% of patients in Wales received education and self-management for rheumatoid arthritis within one month of diagnosis compared to a national average of 67%;
- 35% stated they were not given information on services or organisations who could give them further support;
- 30% said nobody had spoken to them about the emotional impact of their condition.
“It is abundantly clear that patients are not being seen enough within the 12-week window of opportunity of diagnosis,” comments Rich Flowerdew, Welsh Ambassador for the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society. “If patients are seen to within this window, their longer-term outcomes are better.”
Click here to read the full report.
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