Iona Walton
How safe is biological therapy in chronic inflammatory arthritis?
Biological therapy can result in negative side effects but these are not likely to be serious for most people with inflammatory arthritis, says research in the European Journal of Rheumatology. Continue reading
New drug – MIV-711 – may reduce disease progression
A potential arthritis drug of interest to experts seems to reduce bone and cartilage progression and appears to be safe, a team reports in Annals of Internal Medicine. Continue reading
Painkiller tramadol increases hip fracture risk – new findings
Use of the pain medication tramadol is linked with a higher risk of hip fracture compared with the use of other pain medications in an analysis of patients from the UK. Continue reading
Novel therapy – bimekizumab – potential psoriatic arthritis treatment
Bimekizumab is a monoclonal antibody that selectively neutralises interleukin 17A and interleukin 17F, so is being tested for people with psoriatic arthritis. The latest findings, reported in the Lancet, are encouraging. Continue reading
Intensive water resistance exercise decreases knee stiffness
Taking part in an intensive aquatic resistance training programme seems to reduce knee stiffness but may not help pain levels in older women with knee osteoarthritis. Continue reading