Blood test developed that finds knee osteoarthritis
A new blood test can find knee osteoarthritis up to eight years before it appears on X-ray. It is believed that this early detection will lead to therapies to slow progression and restore joint health.
Previously, the scientists revealed the test predicts how osteoarthritis will progress. This new research based on data from 200 women in the UK shows the test also predicts the disease in the first place.
Up until now, tools could only identify the disease once it had caused damage to the joint
“This is important because it provides more evidence that there are abnormalities in the joint that can be detected by blood biomarkers well before X-rays can detect osteoarthritis,” explains Prof Virginia Byers Kraus, lead researcher. “Early-stage osteoarthritis could provide a ‘window of opportunity’ in which to arrest the disease process and restore joint health.”
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