Brighton Marathon beckons. Iona Walton from Arthritis Digest magazine fundraises for leading arthritis charity
I’ve taken the plunge… and signed up to run the Brighton Marathon this April. And it’s all thanks to you, the community we’ve created via our website, facebook and twitter.
I’ve been editing Arthritis Digest magazine for over two years and now realise the devastating impact that arthritis and similar conditions can have on every aspect of life for some people. As well as writing about new findings on a daily basis, I spend time replying to emails, letters and on the phone to people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus and Sjogren’s… who are desperate for more information and ideas about anything that could make a difference.
Millions of people are living in chronic pain, all day, every day. I can’t imagine how devastating that must be – and not just for the individuals who have arthritis. Their family and friends are deeply affected too.
Information is empowering but providing this doesn’t feel enough. So I’m donning my running shoes and hitting the road. I’ll blog about the highs and lows over the next 90 days. Wish me luck!
My chosen charity is Arthritis Research UK, the charity that leads when it comes to funding research into arthritis in the UK.