Improving nutrition levels may reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia
An imbalance of nutritive components may play a role in the development of fibromyalgia, experts report in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Continue reading
Some non-invasive brain stimulation techniques may reduce chronic pain in the short term
There is positive evidence that some non-invasive brain stimulation techniques help lower chronic pain, but more high quality studies are needed, says an updated Cochrane Review. Continue reading
Tai chi as good as or better than aerobic exercise for managing chronic pain conditions
It may be time to rethink what type of exercise is most effective for people with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia following the publication of new research in the British Medical Journal. Continue reading
New study explores the clinical anatomy of fibromyalgia – interesting findings
Fibromyalgia continues to be difficult to diagnose and complicated to treat, so a research team has taken an overview of the latest evidence, reporting their findings in Clinical Anatomy: Continue reading
Naltrexone in the management of fibromyalgia: latest findings
Chronic inflammatory diseases are complex to treat and have an impact on a large number of patients. Continue reading