Psoriatic arthritis
Combine curcumin with black pepper to improve anti-inflammatory effects
Turmeric, a spice long-recognised for its medicinal properties, has received as much interest from the scientific world as it has from culinary enthusiasts, and now a review of the evidence published in Food highlights its key properties. Continue reading
Why did one-quarter of patients in one study stop taking their biosimilar? Subjective health complaints say experts
One-quarter (24%) of people who were switched from infliximab to a biosimilar version stopped taking the biosimilar due to health complaints during a six-month follow-up period, highlights research in Arthritis & Rheumatology. Continue reading
People with psoriatic disease experience poor sleep, highlights new study
Sleep is a major issue for people with psoriatic disease, says new research in the Journal of Rheumatology. Continue reading
Devastating impact of arthritis across all aspects of society is highlighted in new campaign
The current and future impact of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis on the economy, the NHS, families and individuals is revealed in a campaign from Arthritis Research UK. Continue reading
UK’s largest arthritis charities merge
Arthritis Care will merge into Arthritis Research UK and work as one charity from October 2017. Continue reading