Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis: targeted aggressive and early treatment has promising outcome

psoriatic arthritis, treatment, drugPeople with psoriatic arthritis respond significantly better to early aggressive drug treatment compared with standard care, according to exciting new research published in The Lancet.

A clinical trial involving more than 200 people compared intensive early treatment carried out in specialist clinics with the care that patients usually receive, to find out which group of patients did better over a year. Continue reading

Over 10% of US adults live in chronic pain says new analysis of data

chronic pain statistics arthritis digest magazineMost adults in the US have experienced some level of pain, from brief to more lasting (chronic) pain, and from relatively minor to more severe pain, say a new analysis of data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). And an estimated 25.3 million adults (11.2%) experience chronic pain, ie pain every day for the preceding three months. Continue reading