Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis can lead to loss of hearing and balance
Inner ear damage has been associated with forms of arthritis and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, systemic sclerosis and ankylosing spondylitis, and now psoriatic arthritis can be added to the list, experts outline in the Journal of Rheumatology.
A total of 60 people with psoriatic arthritis were compared with 60 healthy people of similar ages and sex; 63% were men and the average age was 53 years old. People were not included who had a history of ear infections, heart disease, kidney problems and a range of other conditions that could have interfered with the results. Continue reading
Arthritis in the workplace: productivity suffers in early stages of arthritis
Many people experiencing the early stages of arthritis find their productivity at work decreases, says research published in Arthritis Care & Research.
The French study looked at work productivity loss (in terms of rates of sick leave, permanent disability and early retirement) during the first three years of disease in 664 people with early arthritis. At the start of the study, 81.6% of the participants were workers. The research team found that during the first three years of disease: Continue reading
New joint lubrication technique for people with arthritis
A new way of lubricating arthritic joints has been developed in the US – one that mimics one of the body’s natural functions, a team reports in Nature Materials.
Scientists have been able to bind a molecule naturally found in the fluid surrounding healthy joints, creating surfaces that can deliver long-lasting lubrication at specific spots throughout the body. Continue reading
Prevent insomnia to reduce pain of rheumatic conditions
People with musculoskeletal pain due to rheumatic conditions are at increased risk of insomnia, says research published in Rheumatology.
Many people with rheumatic conditions live in almost constant pain, and those who are also affected by insomnia often have worse health outcomes.
So a UK team examined the role of pain, physical limitation and reduced social participation in predicting the onset of insomnia. A total of 6,676 people aged 50 years or older were surveyed twice, once at the start of the study and again after three years. Continue reading
Parasitic worm molecule could be used in new drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
A molecule found in the bodies of parasitic worms could one day be used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, says research published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Helminthic therapy involves deliberate infection with parasitic worms to send autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) into remission. Continue reading