
Protein found that halts inflammation – good news for people with autoimmune disorders

NLRP12 autoimmune inflammation gene cytokine arthritis digestA protein called NLRP12 is the new focus for targeted therapies to halt the severe inflammation associated with autoimmune disorders, scientists highlight in Immunity.
The team found that NLRP12 works in T cells (white blood cells that are very important in the immune system) to limit production of chemical messengers or cytokines (proteins that regulate the immune response) that fuel inflammation.
Deletion of the NLRP12 gene led to T cells making more cytokines. Continue reading

Lack of support after her diagnosis of scleroderma led to Tina Dowden reaching out to others in her area and setting up a support group

tina dowden scleroderma hope support group arthritis digestI’m 37 years old and live in Louisiana in the US where I work as a real estate agent and manage property for weekend/vacation rentals. I am married and I have a son who is 14 years old and a daughter who is 11 years old.
Five years ago I started having scleroderma symptoms, such as painful flare-ups in the wrists and then Raynaud’s set in. It turns out that most people with systemic sclerosis develop an unusual sensitivity to the cold when fingers or toes turn white and then blue in the cold. I also had red spots on my chest, discoloration on my face, arms and chest and I noticed a shiny mark on my chest.
But it wasn’t until I started having heart palpitations and passed out that I knew something was really wrong. Continue reading

Fran Mouser… life after diagnosis with scleroderma

"fran mouser" scleroderma "arthritis digest"I had been having symptoms of scleroderma since I was 13 years, such as tightening of the skin around my face and hands and stiff joints, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 18 years. I am now 28 years, have a three year old son and live in Louisiana in the US.
The trigger was when I hurt my wrist. Continue reading