Sleep has major impact on level of osteoarthritis pain – new study
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disorder that is characterised by joint pain. Some research suggests that many people with osteoarthritis have central sensitisation, a condition of the nervous system that is associated with the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Continue reading
Milnacipran (Savella) seems to improve pain and therefore sleep in people with fibromyalgia
A relatively new drug available for people with fibromyalgia in the US – but not the UK – may not actively improve sleep, but does so by reducing pain, according to a small study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Continue reading
Rheumatoid arthritis fatigue can be improved with successful treatment
Successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can help reduce the chronic fatigue often associated with the condition, says research in Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology.
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Aerobic exercise may reduce fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis – international study
People with rheumatoid arthritis might see an improvement in prolonged fatigue through aerobic exercise training, according to an international study published in Arthritis Care & Research.
A literature search found five randomised controlled trials involving supervised aerobic exercise programmes with an intensity of between 50% and 90% of maximal heart rate for at least 15 minutes at least twice a week, for a minimum of four consecutive weeks. Continue reading
Poor sleep and catastrophizing makes knee osteoarthritis worse
People with knee osteoarthritis who have poor sleep habits have amplified clinical pain, experts highlight in Arthritis Care & Research. And those who catastrophize, ie are consumed by thoughts of pain, may have increased central sensitisation that is associated with greater clinical pain. Continue reading