Controlling inflammation can heal rheumatoid arthritis bone erosions
Strictly controlling inflammation can heal bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis, according to a presenter at a recent rheumatology conference.
“Repair occurs in about 10% of cases, and it occurs in states of low disease activity post-therapy,” Dr Ellen Gravallese (chief of the division of rheumatology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston) told attendees. “If you’re really effective at getting inflammation under control, those osteoblasts [cells that form bone tissue] can come in and repair the bone.
“In specific joints, we can demonstrate that the joints where there’s healing of bone are the joints where inflammation has been well-controlled. What we learned from this is that you really need to control inflammation exceptionally well in order to get healing of erosions.”
How to control inflammation?
Your healthcare team will endeavour to find medication that will help reduce your levels of inflammation but self-management is very important too. Experts suggest people affected take regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight and apply cold packs to reduce inflammation. Reduce stress with relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioural therapy, get enough sleep, give up smoking, limit alcohol, join support groups and keep diary of symptoms to note any triggers to share with healthcare team.