Ibuprofen may restore immune function in old age

Love-a-duckThe key to more youthful immune function might already be in your medicine cabinet, suggests research published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.
Macrophages (large white blood cells that attack foreign microorganisms) from the lungs of old mice respond differently to infections than those of young mice. But lab experiments showed that ibuprofen reversed these changes.
“Inflammation in old age can have significant consequences on immune function,” explains Dr Joanne Turner, a researcher involved in the work. “With this knowledge, it may be possible to reduce or prevent some diseases in the elderly by decreasing inflammation with diet, exercise and/or drugs.”
Scientists measured inflammatory markers in the young healthy mice and old healthy mice. Inflammatory markers were elevated in old mice, and isolated macrophages from both old and young healthy mice responded differentially to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This suggests that the altered interactions with M. tuberculosis were linked to inflammation in old age. The researchers then placed a group of old, but healthy, mice on an ibuprofen supplemented diet, and this reduced inflammation and restored immune function to that of young healthy mice.
“This may give new meaning to the phrase ‘take two aspirins and call me in the morning,'” says Dr John Wherry, deputy editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology. “The report may not be about aspirin, but it does show that over-the-counter remedies may broader value that usually appreciated, including by affecting immune functions that change with age.”

Photo credit Alan Cleaver