Link found between dried plums – prunes – and healthy bones
Two new studies that suggest that prunes help to support healthy bones and may even promote attainment of peak bone mass, have been presented at The International Symposium on Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis 2015.
New research into bone health is important because over three million people in the UK are estimated to have osteoporosis. And every year people in the UK suffer more than 300,000 fragility fractures, that’s one every two minutes.
A daily serving of dried plums is linked to the slowing of bone loss in older women
Previous research suggests that eating 100g of prunes a day for one year was associated with increased bone mineral density and improved markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women. And now Dr Shirin Hooshmand has looked at the effectiveness of a smaller daily dose of 50g of prunes, and found it is also effective in improving bone health and slowing bone loss. He comments:
“It’s an incredible finding, that a flavorful dried fruit and convenient snack may be helpful in preventing bone loss.”
Dried plums linked to increase in bone mass
Prof Bernard Halloran looked at if prunes could support the attainment of peak bone mass during growth, and found that incorporating prunes into the diet may help increase bone volume in young, growing mice and young adult and adult mice.
“This remarkable observation suggests that dried plums may support bone health earlier in life and perhaps be an effective way to address bone-related issues as we age,” he says.
Click here for the latest osteoporosis/bone health research.
For osteoporosis support in the UK contact the National Osteoporosis Society: www.nos.org.uk or tel 0808 800 0035.
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Image credit: California Dried Plum Board