Men are much less likely to be screened for osteoporosis – or take supplements to ward it off

osteoporosis bone-thinning men women "arthritis digest" arthritis magazineOlder men are far less likely to take preventive measures against osteoporosis or accept recommendations for screening, even though the consequences of osteoporosis tend to be worse in men than women.
A total of 146 people were surveyed (about one-third were men, average age of 72 years). Women were more likely to have never smoked compared to men (78.8% compared to 21.3%) and more likely to report a family history of osteoporosis (nearly 91% compared to 9.1%).
Most women said they would accept osteoporosis screening if offered, but only 25% of men said the same.
Women were more than four times as likely as men to take preventive measures against osteoporosis, such as taking calcium and vitamin D supplements to strengthen bones.
“We were surprised at how big a difference we found between men and women regarding osteoporosis,” says Dr Irina Dashkova, lead author of the study, which will be presented at The American Geriatrics Society’s 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting.
“We know from research that when men suffer fractures, their mortality is higher than in women and that severe medical consequences and loss of independence are much more prevalent in men. In our environment, you just get this perception that osteoporosis is a women’s problem. This has to be changed, and the sooner the better.”
The risk of death after sustaining a hip fracture is twice as high in men compared to women, and loss of independence is more common in men. Some medical conditions and drugs that can affect osteoporosis risk are male-specific, such as prostate cancer drugs that affect the production of testosterone or the way it works in the body.
The problem extends to the attitudes of healthcare professionals too, however.
“Our survey clearly establishes that physicians are just not thinking of screening men,” says Dr Gisele Wolf-Klein, who is also involved in the work. “It’s only when older men fall and break their hip that someone thinks maybe we should do something to prevent them breaking the other hip. Not only is society in general unaware of the problem of osteoporosis in men, men are not seeking screening and diagnosis.”
It is hoped that the findings will raise awareness among the public, and those in the medical profession, about the importance of screening men for osteoporosis.
“We geriatricians are delighted to see that longevity is increasing in both males and females,” Dr Wolf-Klein concludes. “The average age in my practice is in the 90s, and our patients are to be congratulated because clearly they’re doing something right. But we have a duty to make sure those later years are as happy and productive as can be and not spent in a wheelchair.”

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Image credit: Umberto Salvagnin