Natural supplement chondroitin sulfate may work better than celecoxib for treating knee osteoarthritis

osteoarthritis, knee arthritis, chondroitin sulfate, celecoxib, supplementThe use of chondroitin sulfate in osteoarthritis has been in debate in recent years, but now research using MRI scans provides some positive evidence for the natural supplement.

Chondroitin is a usually produced from the cartilage of cows, pigs and sharks. It can be bought in capsule form from chemists and supermarkets.

Celecoxib is mainstream medication that reduces the hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. It is commonly used to treat pain or inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

The new study

In 258 people with knee osteoarthritis, quantitative MRI scans found chondroitin sulfate was superior to celecoxib in reducing cartilage volume loss, over a two-year timeframe. The results are reported in Arthritis Research & Therapy.

“This study demonstrated, for the first time in a two-year randomised controlled trial using qMRI, the superiority of chondroitin sulfate over celecoxib at reducing cartilage volume loss in knee osteoarthritis patients,” the researchers conclude.

Side effects of chondroitin sulfate are usually mild and infrequent and include stomach upsets and headaches. People who take anticoagulants should speak to a healthcare professional, however, as chondroitin might increase the risk of bleeding. And some evidence suggests those affected by asthma may experience breathing problems.

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