Oxidative stress may play a role in fibromyalgia, scientists discover
Tackling oxidative stress in people with fibromyalgia could become a focal point for treatment in the light of new research. Experts found that oxidative stress may influence fibromyalgia and obstructive sleep apnoea, especially if they are present at the same time.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the build up of free radicals (highly reactive and unstable molecules) and the ability of the body to detoxify their harmful effects.
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body and chronic fatigue. Obstructive sleep apnoea is when the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, interrupting normal breathing. This can lead to regularly interrupted sleep, which can have a negative impact on quality of life.
The new study
Scientists looked at the involvement of oxidative stress in 131 people with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome compared to 129 healthy people.
They found that 50 people with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome also had fibromyalgia, “much higher than in the general population”.
Levels of markers of oxidative stress were high in people with obstructive sleep apnea and in those who also had fibromyalgia.
“Oxidative stress might play a role in the pathophysiology of both diseases, especially if they co-exist in the same patient,” the research team says. “Based on our findings, future research should focus on improving the antioxidant capacity in these patients,” the experts recommend.”
Click here to read the original research,
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