Polyphenol-rich foods may reduce pain and improve quality of life for women with fibromyalgia says new small study

antioxidant, polyphenol, fibromyalgia, arthritis magazine, arthritis digest, arthritis informationFoods high in antioxidants called polyphenols could help relieve symptoms in women with fibromyalgia, says research in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research.

Experts set out to assess the antioxidant dietary intake of a group of women with fibromyalgia and explore the association of the results with glutathione in the saliva (an antioxidant), pain, quality of life, and socioeconomic status. They compared 38 women with fibromyalgia to 35 women without the condition.


  • Intake of foods rich in polyphenols was associated with lower numbers of tender points (coffee and pear) and better quality of life (red fruits and dark chocolate) in the women with fibromyalgia;
  • There was no difference for salivary levels of glutathione between the groups and no correlation for intake of antioxidant micronutrients and pain or quality of life among women with fibromyalgia;
  • The number of tender points, pain threshold and quality of life were (unsurprisingly) worse in the fibromyalgia group;
  • The consumption of vegetable juices was more common in women with fibromyalgia and consumption of red wine and beer were more common in healthy women;
  • The average intake of antioxidant vitamins as well as selenium were higher in healthy women.


The authors conclude that: “this study indicated that antioxidant protection from bioactive compounds present in fruit and vegetables could have an adjuvant role in fibromyalgia treatment.”

Dietary sources of polyphenols include cinnamon, ginger, sage, dried fruits, red wine, cranberries, blueberries, plums, blackberries, artichokes, nuts and cocoa powder.

Click here for the original research.

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