Stem cell discovery may lead to targeted osteoarthritis treatment

stem cell treatment osteoarthritisTargeted stem cell treatments for osteoarthritis inch closer after Arthritis UK researchers find individual stem cells that can regenerate tissue, cartilage and bone. The findings are reported in Stem Cell Reports.

The stem cells are mixed within human bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs) but are so similar in appearance that scientists previously had difficulty in distinguishing between them.

But now they have isolated individual MSCs and analysed their different properties, allowing them to identify stem cells that are capable of repairing damaged cartilage or joint tissue.

The team also isolated a subset of stem cells in bone marrow that seem to have a prominent role in immune function.

“While stem cell therapy is an exciting new development for the treatment for osteoarthritis, up to now it has been something of a lottery because we did not know the precise properties of each of the cells,” highlights lead researcher Dr Paul Genever. “This project has helped us to establish which cells are good at regenerating tissue, cartilage and bone respectively. It will help in the search to develop more targeted therapies for arthritis patients.”

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