β-carotene and green tea seem to prevent and treat gouty arthritis
Gout rates are on the rise around the world. It’s a problem as gout is not easily treated or cured and is extremely painful. But help may be at hand, in the form of two natural nutrients: β-carotene and green tea.
Both β-carotene and green tea powder are rich in fibre, which helps maintain the balance of gut microbiota in humans.
What is β-carotene?
β-carotene is an organic, strongly coloured red-orange pigment that is abundant in many foods. Examples include orange and yellow fruits such as cantaloupe, mango, pumpkin and papaya, and orange root vegetables including carrot and sweet potato.
What is green tea?
Green tea gets its name from the green colour created when brewing unprocessed, unfermented tea leaves.
What does the new research show?
A research group set out to investigate the effects of β-carotene and green tea powder diet on mice with gouty arthritis. Their results showed that diet of β-carotene and green tea powder reduced joint swelling and pain in mice with gout, reduced the levels of serum uric acid (UA) and three types of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The diet also improved the gut microbiota profile. The researchers conclude that their study “provided evidence to support the application of β-carotene and green tea powder diet as a dietary adjustment method to prevent and treat gouty arthritis”.
Click here to read the original research.
Lots of interesting research highlight potential benefits that various food and drink may have on arthritis and other joint conditions. Click here to read more of the studies we’ve covered.
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