Acupuncture retreats
There is good evidence that acupuncture can reduce some symptoms of osteoarthritis, back pain and fibromyalgia. If you’d like to take a trip somewhere you can book a session, look no further than our round-up of fabulous relaxing breaks in the UK and further afield that offer acupuncture.
Armonia Alpujarra Retreat, Spain
Nestled in the majestic Sierras, this harmonious and peaceful retreat centre is surrounded by ancient olive and almond groves. One of Armonia Alpujarra’s most popular retreats, is a Yoga for the Soul Weekend, which can be combined with sessions of acupuncture. Host Yair Sagy is an acupuncturist licenced by the state of California in the US.
Visit www.healing-retreats-spain.com or tel 00 34 680 332169
Witherdens Hall, Kent
Witherdens Hall is a wonderful sanctuary for anyone looking for a beautiful, peaceful and tranquil space. The Retreat Cottage and Suite accommodation, situated in the grounds of Witherdens Hall, is run as a retreat on a not-for-profit basis.
Guests put together a package from an extensive list of therapies and treatments, including acupuncture, to suit their specific needs. Acupuncturist Carolyn Crafer has been in practice since 1996, when she qualified from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine.
Visit www.witherdenshall.co.uk or tel 01227 720 543
Creacon Wellness Retreat, Ireland
Nestled in the majestic green hills of the Irish countryside, Creacon Wellness Retreat is a wonderful destination for those seeking retreat, relaxation and rejuvenation. Enjoy an overnight stay with full board in a private room with one meditation class and one acupuncture session from Liz Dooley, a fully certified acupuncturist. Other treatments are available at additional cost.
Visit www.creaconwellnessretreat.com or tel 00 353 051 447666
Sen Wellness Sanctuary, Sri Lanka
Sen Wellness Clinic, an established holistic clinic in London, has opened its doors to Sen Wellness Sanctuary in Sri Lanka. Located in a national park, with a protected turtle nesting beach as part of the premises, soft golden sand and the waves of the Indian Ocean make a dramatic backdrop for a place of retreat.
A bespoke treatment programme combines Ayurveda (a system of medicine with historic roots in the Indian subcontinent), osteopathy and acupuncture from medically trained doctors who both have a diploma in acupuncture.
Visit www.senwellnesssanctuary.com or tel 020 7486 3373.
Elmdon Lee Retreat, Essex
A beautiful Georgian farmhouse set in extensive grounds is home to a two-night retreat tailored specifically for people with osteoarthritis and autoimmune disease.
Over the course of the weekend, hostess Naomi Smith, a registered acupuncturist, massage therapist and yoga teacher offers acupuncture, a yoga session designed for improving joint mobility and reducing pain, stress management techniques and guided visualisations. Meanwhile, co-host Rosalind Pritchard runs a cookery workshop using ingredients that may help manage symptoms of arthritis.
Visit www.elmdonlee.co.uk or tel 07886 031899.
Vale de Moses, Portugal
Spend a week in the forests of central Portugal at Vale de Moses. Yoga and acupuncture is on offer, the latter with retreat owner Vonetta Winter who studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 15 years ago and has since attended several professional development acupuncture courses.
Details: From €800–€1,200 for seven nights (25–31 March), which includes all food, accommodation and facilities, transport to and from Oleiros, guided silent morning walks in the forest, acupuncture, five morning yoga classes, four afternoon meditation sessions, guided yoga, a 30 minute health consultation, one hour massage and a trip to the Rio Zêzere for a mud bath and swim. Additional treatments are available for €80 per 90 minutes.
Visit www.valedemoses.com or tel 00 351 9642 19028.
Click here to read more about acupuncture and arthritis – the evidence, expert opinion and where to find a good practitioner.