Iona Walton
Pain, distress and central sensitisation in arthritis
Most forms of arthritis are associated with pain and psychological distress in the form of depression and/or anxiety. It is a viscous circle as pain and depression are mutually exacerbating; both may continue even when joint involvement appears well controlled. Now a review of the evidence has found arthritis-related stress impacts the central nervous system and together with inflammatory changes may cause central sensitisation that can lead to chronic pain and distress. Continue reading
Intensive and early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis reduces fatigue experts advise
Early intensive treatment that combines methotrexate with prednisone can reduce the profound fatigue that impacts many people with rheumatoid arthritis.
The new research from Belgium recommends that even low-risk patients should be considered for early intensive treatment. Continue reading
Spice blend may help lower inflammation – latest findings
Adding spices to a meal can improve more than just taste as a small study shows spice improves aspects of health by reducing inflammation. Continue reading
Frozen shoulder? New non-surgical treatment improves pain and function
A new non-invasive treatment decreases blood flow in the shoulder to quickly reduce pain and improve function in people with frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis). Continue reading
Keep moving to prevent disability – latest study concludes “move more, more often”
Physically inactivity is the strongest risk factor for disability as we age says new research in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Continue reading