Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sugar and artificially sweetened drinks associated with lupus
Women with high ultra-processed food intake have a higher lupus risk compared to those who avoid such foods, says data in Arthritis Care & Research. And sugary or artificially sweetened beverages are most strongly associated with lupus.
Ultra-processed foods in this study include: ready-to-eat products; packaged savoury snacks, sweets and puddings; and sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened drinks. Continue reading
Long COVID more likely in autoimmune disease patients
Nearly 30% of people with autoimmune disease seem to be affected by long COVID after infection, says data in The Journal of Rheumatology. Joint pain, brain fog and fatigue are the most common symptoms reported. Continue reading
Controlling inflammation can heal rheumatoid arthritis bone erosions
Strictly controlling inflammation can heal bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis, according to a presenter at a recent rheumatology conference. Continue reading
Some arthritis drugs may relieve long COVID symptoms
The cause of long COVID inside lung tissues has been discovered by researchers – leading to identification of a potential treatment to take on the respiratory symptoms, they report in Science Translational Medicine. Continue reading
Eat well to reduce arthritis symptoms: inflammation and pain
Emerging research highlights the role of certain nutrients in combating inflammation and pain, offering new hope for arthritis patients seeking additional symptom relief. Continue reading