Controlling inflammation can heal rheumatoid arthritis bone erosions
Strictly controlling inflammation can heal bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis, according to a presenter at a recent rheumatology conference. Continue reading
Drug finding gives optimism to millions with osteoarthritis
Methotrexate, a medication already used for autoimmune conditions, can also relieve the pain and stiffness caused by knee osteoarthritis, says a new clinical trial funded by Versus Arthritis. Continue reading
Some arthritis drugs may relieve long COVID symptoms
The cause of long COVID inside lung tissues has been discovered by researchers – leading to identification of a potential treatment to take on the respiratory symptoms, they report in Science Translational Medicine. Continue reading
Prunes preserve bone density and strength
Dairy isn’t the only food that’s good for bone health. Eating prunes every day also slows bone loss connected to osteoporosis says a new trial.
Published in Osteoporosis International, the findings suggest that daily prune consumption slows the progression of age-related bone loss and reduces the risk of fracture in post-menopausal women. Continue reading
High intensity workout boosts health for people with fibromyalgia
A groundbreaking study reveals that high-intensity aerobic and strength training significantly enhance the physical and emotional well-being of people with fibromyalgia and other musculoskeletal disorders. Continue reading