Iona Walton
Low-carbohydrate diet may improve arthritis symptoms says new study
A low-carbohydrate diet could relieve the pain of knee osteoarthritis, according to exciting new research in Pain Medicine. Continue reading
Usefulness of vitamin K1 supplements in rheumatoid arthritis brought into question by new research
Vitamin K1 supplementation had no significant effects on markers of inflammation and disease severity of people with rheumatoid arthritis says a small study in The International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. Continue reading
Avocado seed extract has anti-inflammatory properties – new findings
An extract from the seeds of avocado may be a source of novel anti-inflammatory compounds that could be developed as a functional food ingredient or a new line of drugs. Continue reading
Alternative healthy eating index diet reduces risk of fracture says evidence review
Sticking to a healthy dietary pattern, such as an alternative healthy eating index, has been suggested to have protective effects on bone mineral density and to decrease the incidence of fractures. Continue reading
Yoga, art and my allotment give me the courage to keep mobile despite my rheumatoid arthritis, reveals Claire Redwood
Six years ago when I was in my forties I had a horrible virus – some kind of flu. My joints ached terribly, especially my neck which was so painful that I felt I couldn’t support my head. We were on holiday with our children and I kept needing to lie down to relieve my neck. Continue reading