Iona Walton
Can chocolate improve bone health?
Chocolate may not have an effect on bone loss for older women after all but it does positively impact on bone growth of teenagers, says a review of the evidence in Nutrients. Continue reading
Childhood events – stress – linked to worse lupus outcomes
Higher levels of adverse childhood experiences are associated with worse patient-reported disease activity, depression and health status in people with lupus, US experts highlight in Arthritis Care & Research. Continue reading
Painkiller tramadol fares badly in new evidence review
Tramadol is an opioid painkiller that can be prescribed to people with osteoarthritis. Due to the way tramadol works it has been believed to have fewer adverse effects (such as gastrointestinal bleeding and kidney problems) than NSAIDS, an alternative form of pain relief. Continue reading
Home exercise programme reduces risk of falling
Gentle exercises at home can reduce falls in older people by over one-third, according to results of a trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. And cognitive function may improve too. Continue reading
Alex Warner from Better Physical Therapy discusses how a better posture can benefit overall back health
Maintaining proper posture is key to health and comfort. We know that if we don’t maintain correct posture, we may develop chronic back pain. Physical discomfort isn’t the only consequence – mental health can be affected too. For example, one 2014 study indicates that about 45% of people with chronic pain struggle with depression. Continue reading