Pain, distress and central sensitisation in arthritis
Most forms of arthritis are associated with pain and psychological distress in the form of depression and/or anxiety. It is a viscous circle as pain and depression are mutually exacerbating; both may continue even when joint involvement appears well controlled. Now a review of the evidence has found arthritis-related stress impacts the central nervous system and together with inflammatory changes may cause central sensitisation that can lead to chronic pain and distress. Continue reading
Online consultations for people with chronic pain during lockdown
Conditions for people living with chronic pain have been exacerbated by the covid-19 pandemic but telemedicine may improve the situation, according to research from the University of Bath. Continue reading
Exercise and nutrition key part of inflammatory arthritis treatment experts advise
Regular exercise and healthy eating should be discussed at regular intervals with people who have inflammatory forms of arthritis, experts advise in a review of the evidence. Continue reading
People with gout should be screened for kidney disease, experts warn
Gout is identified as a risk factor for kidney disease in new research in BMJ Open highlighting the need for healthcare professionals and patients to get the inflammatory form of arthritis under control as a top priority. Continue reading
Common musculoskeletal diseases associated with mental health
Musculoskeletal diseases are associated with mental disorders and subjective mental health in older adults, reveals research in a leading academic journal. Continue reading