Iona Walton

Dr Robin Munro discusses the varied role of the consultant rheumatologist

consultant rheumatologist, robin munro, rheumatology team, arthritis team, arthritis interview, arthritis doctor, arthritis digest

When I first became a consultant rheumatologist over 20 years ago, my hospital had 12 beds dedicated to people hospitalised with inflammatory joint diseases, and they were always full. Thanks to huge advances in treatments and a move to diagnose and treat people as fast as possible, there is currently only one patient in my hospital due to inflammatory joint disease.

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Omega-3 lowers inflammation and stress in body and mind

omega 3, inflammation, depression, supplements, anti-ageing, arthritis digest

A high daily dose of an omega-3 supplement may reduce stress-related inflammation and help slow the effects of ageing, new research suggests. The fatty acids have been found to suppress damage and boost protection at the cellular level during and after a stressful event.

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