Iona Walton
Opioids offer minor pain relief but do not benefit quality of life says large review
Opioid painkillers do not seem to improve quality of life or levels of depression in people with osteoarthritis according to new research. Continue reading
Biologics offer similar disease activity improvement for elderly and young people
People with rheumatoid arthritis whose disease began at an older age and those whose disease onset occurred earlier in life have similar improvements in clinical disease at 48 weeks after starting biologic drugs. Continue reading
Sleep well to maintain bone health experts advise in light of new research
Getting too little sleep is linked with a higher risk of having low bone mineral density and developing osteoporosis in older women says a large study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Excess vitamin B6 and B12 may increase risk of hip fracture
Vitamins are essential for good health but beware of consuming more than recommended levels, experts warn in JAMA Network Open. Continue reading
Continuous NSAIDs in ankylosing spondylitis linked to increased blood pressure in new study
Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat ankylosing spondylitis on a continuous basis is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure experts reveal in Arthritis Care & Research. Continue reading