Iona Walton
Insomnia increases severity of fibromyalgia symptoms – new research
Insomnia seems to exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms, reveals new research in the Clinical Journal of Pain, highlighting the need to nail a good night’s sleep when possible. Continue reading
Gout management may be better under nurse-led care
Keeping people fully informed and involving them in decisions about their care can result in more successful management of gout, says a new study funded by Versus Arthritis. Continue reading
Herbal supplement kratom unsafe says new research
In the last issue of Arthritis Digest we reported that a herb called kratom is increasingly being used to manage pain and treat opioid addiction, despite a lack of research about if it works and if it’s safe. Now a new study in Pharmacotherapy reveals that kratom does indeed appear to be unsafe, so readers are advised to steer clear for the foreseeable. Continue reading
Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is key says evidence
Treating rheumatoid arthritis early may allow safer and cheaper therapies to work, as once full-blown rheumatoid arthritis has developed, very powerful medications are usually needed to control the disease. Continue reading
Within a few weeks of starting Reiki, Andy Chrysostomou’s spondylosis symptoms vastly improved
I was diagnosed with severe spondylosis of the spine in 1997, a form of chronic arthritis that was causing narrowing of the vertebrae at the top and bottom of my spine, putting pressure on the nerves causing extreme pain and greatly reduced mobility. Continue reading