Iona Walton
People with gout have low expectations of treatment
A new survey suggests that people with gout are satisfied with their treatment despite inadequate disease management. Speaking at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, the team that did the research across 14 European countries reports that gout is being diagnosed late, is not well controlled and is not regularly monitored. Continue reading
Low vitamin K levels linked to mobility limitation and disability
Low levels of circulating vitamin K are linked to increased risk of mobility limitation and disability in older adults, according to research in Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. Continue reading
More than half of people with arthritis surveyed in US report cannabidiol (CBD) use
Nearly 60% of people with arthritis say they use cannabidiol (CBD) products to manage pain and other symptoms despite limited evidence showing that the products work or are safe, according to US findings presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Continue reading
Exposure to inorganic dust increases risk of gout in women
Occupational exposure to inorganic dust increases the risk of gout in women by over one-quarter, experts highlight at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Continue reading
Over a quarter of middle-aged men may be at risk of osteoporosis
Loss of bone mineral density is occurring at younger ages in men and women, according to a study in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, so more middle-aged adults should be scanned to understand their risk and establish a baseline for monitoring. Continue reading