Food & Drink

Probiotics improve quality of life for people with inflammatory arthritis

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A relatively new foodie fad, probiotics are heralded as having various health benefits, especially where our gut is concerned. More research is looking at the relationship between the gut and inflammation and some believe there is a link. So experts recently analysed the research that specifically looks at the impact probiotics have on inflammatory arthritis and report their findings in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.

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Selenium is essential element for good bone health – evidence review

selenium foods, selenium inflammation, selenium bone health, bone research, arthritis digestThe chemical element selenium may be toxic in large amounts, but tiny quantities are vital for normal cell function in animals, which is why is found in multivitamins. Now a review of the evidence in a leading academic journal shows that selenium deficiency is associated with increased bone turnover, reduced bone mineral density and heightened risk of bone disease. Continue reading