Moderna vs Pfizer vaccine for COVID for the immunocompromised
The Moderna vaccine for COVID-19 appears to elicit a stronger response in people with immunosuppression than the Pfizer vaccine says research in a leading journal.
Dental implants seem to be safe in people with autoimmune disease says new study

Vitamin D and fish oil supplements reduce risk of autoimmune disease
Taking daily vitamin D supplements – or both vitamin D and fish oil supplements – appears to carry a lower risk of developing autoimmune disease, says exciting new research in the British Medical Journal.
Agents linked to industrialisation may be the root of inflammatory arthritis due to their impact on the gut lining

The impact of modern living on the gut’s epithelial barrier may be to blame for inflammatory arthritis and other conditions a research team suggests in a leading journal.
Continue readingAdults with inflammatory arthritis have similar risk of hospital admission as other COVID-19 patients says new research

It has been a concern that people with arthritis may be at increased risk of COVID-19 complications, but a new pair of reports suggests that the risk is the same for adults with and without arthritis.
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